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Database tidy up and forthcoming events

The tidying up process went well, and all 'never accessed' accounts have been deleted.  (If you were one of these and wish to stay in contact, that is fine - just register a new account.)

I have left all website account holders who have accessed their accounts at least once in place.  I really would encourage you all to enrol as full members to take advantage of special rates for our events and engage in interactive discussion.

Today I set up registration for the 4th April 2011 Workshop on Corrective and Preventive action, for which paid-up members enjoy a low registration fee of £25, compared to £40 for non-members. Please follow this link for further information.

The date for the Symposium is firming up and is now very likely to be the 7th November.  Registration will open during the summer.

There are many other topics we would like to create workshops for, but we need your input!  Please use the Contact form to suggest one!  My favourite topic is metrological traceability!

A lot is going to be happening with the NHS, and laboratory medicine in particular, during the coming year, so we will be inaugurating some discussion forums in due course.



Dr. Radut | blog