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Group representation in AQMLM governance

AQMLM enables regional quality management groups to retain their individual identity within the membership database, thus acting as an 'umbrella' body for such groups. 

Directors have agreed to invite AQMLM Groups to nominate a member to be a Regional Group Representative (RGR) on the governance team of AQMLM. 

  • The RGR role is designed to enable the ordinary membership to have direct input into the design and planning of AQMLM member benefits and activities. 
  • AQMLM Groups with at least 6 paid-up members are entitled to nominate one paid-up member to serve in this role for a period of two years in the first instance, providing their paid-up status and the size of the group is maintained during this time.  At the end of the two year period, their Group may nominate their RGR for another two year period or nominate another member.  No RGR may serve for more than two consecutive two year periods.  If the nominee is unable to continue for any reason, their Group will be invited to nominate another member.  
  • The RGR does not have the status of Director and will not normally be involved in overall strategic policy development, but will have the right to comment on all aspects of policy and its implementation
  • The RGR will attend (where possible) all quarterly meetings of the Directors to assist discussions, acting for the membership as a whole and not solely the interests of their Group.  Failure to attend meetings without sufficient reason may lead to the role being suspended.
  • The RGR will receive all Agendas, Minutes and other papers. 
  • The RGR may discuss their involvement in the governance of AQMLM with their Group, but from time to time, some discussions may be deemed to be confidential or embargoed for a period of time and this must be respected.

Email invitations to the Group leaders of Groups with at least 6 paid-up members will be going out this week (24th January 2011). 


Dr. Radut | blog